Medical Information Retrieval (MedIR) Workshop

A SIGIR 2016 workshop - Pisa, Italy - July, 21st 2016


  • Thanks for a great workshop! The papers and slides are available on the programme page.
  • We're offering students travel grant. Check the registration page for details.
  • The deadline is extended to the 16th of May!
  • The call for papers is online
  • The workshop is accepted!

The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum to enable the progression of research in medical information retrieval to provide enhanced search services for all users with interest in medical information search. This workshop aims to bring together researchers inter- ested in medical information search with the goal of identi- fying specific research challenges that need to be addressed to advance the state-of-the-art and to foster interdisciplinary collaborations towards the meeting of these challenges. To enable this, we will encourage participation from researchers in all fields related to medical information search including mainstream information retrieval, but also natural language processing, multilingual text processing, and medical image analysis.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Users and information needs
  • Semantics and NLP for medical IR
  • Reliability and trust in medical IR
  • Personalised search
  • Evaluation of medical IR
  • Multilingual questions in medical IR
  • Multimedia technologies in medical IR
  • The role of social media in medical IR

A detailed description of the workshop can be found here.

Contact Information

For any question, please contact Dr Lorraine Goeuriot (lorraine.goeuriot_at_imag_dot_fr)